May 03, 2016

Engagement and communication for engineers

Engagement is critical to the success of any language and communication coaching program. In order to increase learner engagement, Lingo Live coaches work to tap into their learners’ individual motivations and ensure lessons are reflective of company goals. This is especially true when providing coaching to engineers who are seeking to improve skills to succeed in their organization.


1. Motivate Learners

In order to increase levels of learner engagement, coaches work to communicate with their learners the program goals and reasons for its implementation. They take the time to explain how Lingo Live’s communication coaching is impactful, not only for the learners, but  their organization as a whole. They ensure engineers understand the implications of what not developing healthy communication skills could mean for their career development. Defining the impact of the program will increases learner motivation.


2. Develop Relevant Lessons

Relevancy is key to learner engagement. Engineers, who are learning language and communication skills to be able to move up in their company, will benefit from lessons that are tailored to their individual pain points. We’ve gained insights from our own learners that engineers feel nervous when speaking up in group meetings, writing emails and advocating for their ideas. We make sure our lessons are directly impactful and relevant to their learners’ day-to-day work, as well as their overall career. We also encourage learners to practice the action steps in real-life scenarios and set short-term goals to keep learners on track. A situated learning approach allows our coaches to contextualize learning objectives in a relevant way.


3. Hold Them Accountable

In order for a communication coaching program to be successful all parties involved must be held accountable. Earlier, we mentioned that it’s important to define the goals of the program before its onset, our coaches also work with learners to commit to those goals. Specifically for engineers, we set actionable goals that will impact the quality of their work. Our coaching program provides communication skills for employees who are struggling to remain engaged.

When developing a learning program for engineers, we show them the path to success. This increases engagement and motivation, two factors necessary to the program’s success!


– The Lingo Live Team


Interested in learning more?

Check out Impacting Career Growth with Lingo Live and Are Communication Barriers Holding Back Your Team?



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