Jun 20, 2019

Diversity and inclusion initiatives in the workplace

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives have become increasingly important in today’s workplace. These initiatives aim to create a workplace that values and welcomes all employees, regardless of their background or identity. While diversity emphasizes the differences between people, inclusion aims to create a culture that recognizes and celebrates these differences.

The Benefits of a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Having a diverse and inclusive workplace has numerous benefits. Research indicates that diverse teams are more innovative, productive, and engaged. They also bring a range of perspectives to the table, which can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving. Moreover, employees feel more valued and engaged when they work in an environment that is diverse and inclusive.

Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace: Key Considerations

However, creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is challenging and requires a long-term commitment from leadership. Here are some key considerations for implementing effective D&I initiatives in the workplace:

  1. Leadership commitment: D&I initiatives need the full support of senior leadership to succeed. Leaders must commit to creating an inclusive culture and work to promote diversity at all levels of the organization.
  2. Diversity training: Providing training and education on topics such as unconscious bias, microaggressions, and cultural competence is crucial to building a more inclusive workplace.
  3. Employee resource groups: Employee resource groups (ERGs) can be a powerful tool for promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. ERGs, composed of employees who share a common identity or interest, provide a space for employees to connect, share ideas, and support each other.
  4. Diverse hiring practices: Companies need to look beyond traditional hiring practices to build a more diverse workforce. They must actively seek out candidates from underrepresented groups.
  5. Inclusive policies and practices: Companies must ensure that their policies and practices are inclusive and do not create barriers for certain groups of employees.

The Role of Technology in D&I Initiatives

Technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI), is playing an increasingly important role in D&I initiatives. AI can eliminate bias in the hiring process by removing identifying information from resumes and applications. However, AI is not a panacea for all D&I challenges. Improper design and testing may result in perpetuating bias.

The Importance of Allyship in D&I Initiatives

Allyship is crucial in creating a more inclusive workplace. Allies support and advocate for members of marginalized groups. Ways to support D&I initiatives include:

  • Educating oneself on issues related to diversity and inclusion
  • Listening to and amplifying the voices of underrepresented employees
  • Advocating for policies and practices that promote diversity

Assessing the Effectiveness of D&I Initiatives

D&I initiatives are not one-size-fits-all. Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities when promoting diversity and inclusion. Therefore, it’s important to regularly assess the effectiveness of D&I initiatives and make adjustments as needed.


The big problem with diversity and inclusion initiatives at many major companies is that they’re siloed. They often fall under the umbrella (and responsibility) of HR, which can sometimes lead to a sort of surface-level, box-checking kind of diversity programs. These don’t really work and employees see right through them.

This sort of tactic can remind you of the salad days of the internet, where big companies had Internet Departments, responsible for maintaining websites and, for ambitious companies, maybe an online store. What felt short-sighted then is ridiculous now. Everything most companies do has some sort of online component baked in.

In the coming years, chances are, we’re going to look at D&I like that. For these programs to truly work, you need to weave them into your entire company, not simply slough off the responsibility on your HR department. Truly inclusive companies are inclusive at every level. Individuals work together with empathy, team members understand each other and work towards common goals collaboratively, and alternative opinions and ideas are valued, not shunned.

In other words, if your company is serious about D&I, you need to be serious about it everywhere. And that includes you learning programs. Our Chief Learning Office, Jesse Abing, had a chance to talk about that–and so much more–in our recent HR.com webinar. And if you missed it, you’re in luck. We just posted the video and would love it if you gave it a look. The audience at HR.com was lively and smart, asked great questions and made some really salient comments about the state of D&I in their companies. We learned a lot ourselves and hope you do too!


Diversity & Inclusion, Webinar

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