Aug 15, 2017

Remote worker Problems: “Can you hear me now?”

Communication hiccups are a reality in the daily routine of today’s remote worker. As jobs become more global, companies offer the option to work remotely. However, technology often presents its own set of issues. In reality, the flexibility of working from anywhere in the world comes at the mercy of wifi connections. 

Remote Woes

Our recent “Remote Work Struggles” video campaign clearly illustrates the issues that remote workers face on a regular basis. As much as working from home is nice, sometimes it’s a hassle. For example, when your Internet connection is unstable and affects your ability to follow a conversation as illustrated here. Or perhaps, AV issues prevent you from effectively participating during a team discussion seen here. And we’ve all experienced the frustrations of trying to set up a group video call.

At Lingo Live, we understand the challenges remote workers face. Our Head of Coach Community and Community Managers (along with about 150 coaches!) are located in different timezones across the globe. At times, even we experience AV issues during calls between our west and east coast offices!

Misunderstandings happen, as seen in this hilarious video. You can’t avoid them entirely in a work conversation that has to travel across fiber-optics and crowded T1 lines. However, you can take action to reduce the communications misunderstandings between team members in the same office.

Aim for Collaboration

Lingo Live provides one-on-one coaching to employees of multinational tech companies. We provide help with speaking, writing and the soft skills necessary for good collaboration  between teams and employees. You don’t have to work on the other side of the world from your team to experience gaps in communication. Miscommunication happens more and more as the cultural makeup of engineering teams becomes more diverse.

If you’d like to learn more about the ways we can help improve communications between your onsite and remote workers, please visit Our Offering page.

Want to Watch More?

To watch all five of our videos, please visit our Lingo Live YouTube channel here.

Thank you for watching! Happy communicating!

Interested in reading more about remote work? Check out Healthy Habits for Remote Workers.


How People Ops can Empower Remote Managers Webinar


Communication, Remote Work

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